Dog Park Annual Pass


Park pass for the year.

Gives you access to trails and dog park.

Price per dog owner. / plus HST

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Park pass for the year.

Gives you access to trails and dog park.

Price per dog owner. / plus HST

Park pass for the year.

Gives you access to trails and dog park.

Price per dog owner. / plus HST


Our dog park and trails work on the honour system. We appreciate you working with us to provide a safe and enjoyable park for our guests. We ask our park and trail users to do the following: 

1.   Please make payment online.

2.   Please make sure all gates are closed securely behind you and kindly inform us if anything needs repairs.

3.   We strongly encourage maintaining current vaccines in your online profile for rabies, D2PP and Bordetella so you can participate in the resort, daycare and other options. We recommend flea and tick prevention and Leptospirosis.  

4.   Please pick up after your dog. Bags and disposal units are located on fence and can be disposed of using our commercial garbage bin.   

5.   Feel free to use our picnic tables, but please do not leave any litter in park. You may use our commercial garbage bin. 

6.   This is a smoke free zone for the safety of all users and the facility.    

7.   Please do not leave dogs unattended in the dog park or on trails, and be responsible for their conduct. 

8.   No reactive or aggressive dogs allowed.  Please ask about our separate Growl Park for Reactive Dogs.  

9.   All park and trail users do so at their own risk. 

10. Please respect the pet resort’s hours, its guests, its residence, and their need for privacy. 

. Where you can enjoy snowshoeing, hiking, and skijoring with your Fur Kids. One membership per pet owner.

*Trail readiness is dependent upon snow, and daily weather conditions.